Valentine’s Day is all about love – and we LOVE pets. As you prepare for February 14, keep in mind all these reasons why sometimes your pet might just be the best Valentine date of all!
1. No pressure to impress
If you like to cook and plan to prepare a special meal at home – there is no pressure to impress. Your pet will like whatever you fix (if you choose to share), will keep you company in the kitchen and even clean up after you if you make a mess (or inhale any crumb before it hits the ground). And if you decide to order take-out last minute, that is just fine too!
2. You can choose the movie
If you decide to stay in and order a movie with your pet, you will not have to flip a coin between Rom-Com or Action. You pick the flick and your pet will happily snuggle up next to you. They really are the best cuddlers – and sweatpants are totally acceptable attire!
3. They are easy to shop for
If you spend Valentine’s Day with your pet, you won’t need to spend money on flowers or balloons. Pets are pretty easy to shop for and like just about any type of treat or toy. (We’d love to help you pick out something perfect for your pet!)
4. Unconditional love Your pet’s love is unconditional and that is why they are the perfect companions for any occasion this Valentine’s Day!
We’d love to see how you show your pet love this time of year – post a pic on our Facebook page to let us know!